NOTE: If you're intreasted about these script, here's the source code. (Win32 users may have to rename the suffix to ".tar.gz")
Redistributions or modifications are allowed, under CC-by-NC licence.

注意: 若您對此 script 感興趣,這裡有一份原始碼可供下載;
您得以在您的機器上公開、使用,或是修改本 script,使用 CC-by-NC 授權。


你們來晚了 無名小站已經恢復熱鍵功能了 趕快回去看美女圖吧!!

P.S. 感謝CornGuo大大撰寫程式碼

注意: 本 script 不支援含有密碼的相簿! 為確保您資料的安全,請不要嘗試輸入密碼。

Get rid of Dingdinglized album

* Fx Users: Here's a simple greasemonkey script (ref.)

Give me the URL of Dingdinglized album, and I'll do the rest:


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